Reference: 22tlcd

Rear motor kit nine continent RH205c type "s" without battery

Examples of customer electric bike assembly motor choices: RH205S 9x7 330/420 Very Fast, with just enough torque to allow it to climb some hills. RH205S 10x6 350/480 Ultra Fast, perfect for long distances, to be avoided in the mountains. accessory kits to choose from, this will define the final power of your kit: 14 TLCD: 14 amps, from 450 to 800...
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Reference: lcd243648

LCD screen for electric bike

Duties: - power ON/OFF - Speedometer,- total and partial distance travelled,- battery charge level,- power level of assistance, - 5 levels of assistance,- cruise control (cruse control),- configurable to work with a 36V, 48V and 60V battery!
€27.50 €55.00
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Reference: dnp1132

Freewheel 7 speeds 11 / 32 teeth

Freewheel 7 speeds 11 / 32 teeth. Recommended for engines > 300 rpm (allows to accompany the engine, even at high speed!)Warning: if you already have a freewheel on your current electric wheel, we strongly recommend the specific tool for disassembling a special freewheel (1.4 cm in diameter) sold here
€21.00 €42.00
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